You can just call us +1(267)4571030
Forbid apps and services that have permission to access your private info. Gain control of your privacy by clear access to all software programs.
Forbid apps and services that have permission to access your private info. Gain control of your privacy by clear access to all software programs.
Forbid apps and services that have permission to access your private info. Gain control of your privacy by clear access to all software programs.
Forbid apps and services that have permission to access your private info. Gain control of your privacy by clear access to all software programs.
There are many other reasons why Optimum Desk may be a good solution for you, just
give us
a chance to show you how we can improve your business.
You are very different than an internal IT department; Optimum Desk is the only integrated IT management platform that was build with YOU in mind from the scratch.
You don’t have the time to look in different systems for information. You have to have a system where you can easily check infrastructure details, previous interactions, knowledge base. Every IT details possible easy to access. More, an initial system health check is saving you tens of minutes of initial investigation when needed.
You are in charge and you know every details of the IT support process. Fully customizable you decide the number of process steps and the timing. Set your own alarms when needed.
All your technicians have access to a powerful incident management app. They can fully solve and report without any PC access, including SLA management and tech GPS positioning. You and your customers are in full control of the delivery.
Let your customers be in the known and your team be more efficient by giving your members the team a full communication platform. You will never use the email client or the phone again.
You know the problem: there is not same priority for a password change or a critical failure. We have taken the ITIL services catalog and added SLA for each of them. You and your customers to be served the way IT is supposed to serve.
In order to be efficient you must know exactly where each of your technicians are. You see them on the map and for off-site contracts when your tech is checking in, the onsite a pop-up informs the employees your tech is onsite. You know why: usually customers remember they have one more problem, the moment you arrive back at the office.
For both you and your customers. For your customers it means 80% less interruptions of their work and for you 80% more predictive interventions, which can decrease your onsite presence and increase the efficiency of the delivery more than 50%.
Build from the ground up with security in mind. You have SSL 128bit communication between platform members, secure logins with tokens or app, different access layers for as many as 5 different tech classes. Hosted in US dedicated datacenter.
Who wants to pick up the phone and dial to the IT departments these days? Your customers have a dedicated app to interact with your team. They can not only open a ticket, but get full details about the incident.